League of Extraordinary Minds

Learn with us: we promise pain, toil, sweat and laughter through tears!

Liga niezwyklych Umyslow
1200 Uzytkownikow korzystajacych z platformy LNU
250 Szkol uzywajacych platformy Liga Niezwyklych Umyslow
125h Zabawnych kursow ulatwiajacych nauke programowania
kim jestesmy

Who we are

The developer and operator of the LEM platform is Soft Power Ltd. Our team consists of IT and education experts who value sincerity, humor and cooperation with cool, honest and rational people.

Our mission

We also run the League of Extraordinary Minds Foundation. In addition to constant cooperation with individual schools, we implement large, long-term projects at regional and municipal levels, in which hundreds of schools and thousands of students and teachers participate. We are ready to help young people in your area gain practical digital skills, preparing them for work both directly in the IT industry and in many other dynamically developing industries closely related to IT systems, digital security and the latest technologies. The League of Extraordinary Minds platform is constantly developed to keep up to date with the latest knowledge in this rapidly changing field, which traditional school curricula have no chance to keep up with. If you want to check how the platform will work in practice in your school, city or region, please contact us. We will provide you with the opportunity to test the platform free of charge and make a decision to cooperate based on your own experience! Yes, we are cool, students laugh with us, teachers love us, but at the end of the day there is a bit of professionalism in all of this. Anyway, you can hope so…

nasza misja

Support us

All donated funds are used to implement the foundation’s statutory goals related to practical IT education, especially in environments with limited access to modern education. 

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Support us with any amount to the bank account: 
Bank account holder: Fundacja Liga Niezwyklych Umyslow

IBAN: PL12 1600 1462 1841 7435 8000 0007

Please title the transfer: donation for the education of children and youth. 

Istnieje możliwość odliczenia od dochodu w danym roku podatkowym przy wpłatach
na Fundację Liga Niezwykłych Umysłów:

  • Podatnik CIT

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis orci quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur viverra vehicula feugiat.

    Mauris non molestie libero. Curabitur dictum velit quam, in accumsan libero bibendum vel. Curabitur nulla dolor, tempus eu porta ut, rutrum in tortor. Nunc velit dui, sollicitudin eu faucibus quis, dictum sed tellus. Maecenas semper condimentum eros in ultrices.

  • Podatnik PIT

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis orci quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur viverra vehicula feugiat.

    Mauris non molestie libero. Curabitur dictum velit quam, in accumsan libero bibendum vel. Curabitur nulla dolor, tempus eu porta ut, rutrum in tortor. Nunc velit dui, sollicitudin eu faucibus quis, dictum sed tellus. Maecenas semper condimentum eros in ultrices.

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Mon - Fri: 8:00-16:00

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Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm

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