The League of Extraordinary Minds for Schools 

Powerful support for teachers in teaching information technology.

Group 49


Jedną platformę z wieloma możliwościami SAVING TEACHERS' TIME On the platform you will find ready-made C++, Python, SQL courses and a short introductory course to the JAVA language. Standard courses will be especially useful for students interested in programming and for extracurricular activities. An ideal solution for computer science lessons is the "Python for schools" course, based on the core curriculum of this subject, in the part related to programming. This course is better suited to the abilities of the average student.
Oszczędność czasu nauczycieli EFFECTIVE TEACHING Fully automatic evaluation of students' solutions will allow you to work effectively even with a large group and focus on students with problems. The platform will enable talented students to learn at their own pace and at their own level of advancement. Use the LEM platform to improve your skills as well!
Możliwość monitorowania postępów uczniów MONITORING STUDENTS' PROGRESS A sensationally simple and intuitive interface will allow you to freely and easily manage students' access to courses and tasks, and control group membership and its basic data. Access to detailed statistics of students' work allows you to monitor their activity on the platform on an ongoing basis, quickly respond to individual problems and easily organize your work in the teaching process.
Group 515


Learning on the LEM platform consists in solving programming tasks in practice, i.e. creating real source code or queries to databases. The platform interface includes a development environment that allows you to edit the source code file and run your programs. Each lesson consists of an introduction to a specific topic and a problem that needs to be solved by creating a program or – in the case of SQL – by querying a database.

If your students encounter difficulties in solving a problem, they can use the hint, and if it turns out to be insufficient they can ask for help from a consultant via the contact form. Teachers also have access to a special tab with an exemplary, correct solution to a task in order to be better prepared to work with students and be able to help them.

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of students using LEM pass certification exams based on the e-CF European E-Competence Framwork.


pakiety kafle 01 EN 11
IT Club
pakiety kafle 01 EN 12
IT Class
pakiety kafle 01 EN 13
IT School
Number of accesses
Teacher accounts
Python Level 1
SQL Level 1
SQL Level 2
+ Python for schools
No limits
No limits
No limits
12 months
12 months
12 months
Number of accesses
Teacher accounts
Python Level 1
SQL Level 1
SQL Level 2
+ Python for schools
pakiety kafle 01 EN 11
IT Club
pakiety kafle 01 EN 12
IT Class
pakiety kafle 01 EN 13
IT School
No limits
No limits
No limits
12 months
12 months
12 months

Need an individual offer?

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Details of courses included in packages

  • Python for schools
    pakiety kafle 01 EN 10

    The course based on the core curriculum of the subject of computer science in the part related to elements of programming and solving problems with the use of a computer. The course is adapted to the abilities of an average student, with a ready set of tasks to be carried out at school during lessons with all students, as well as tasks to be completed at home by students. Full access to the solutions to the tasks and student work statistics for the teacher.

    11 modules
    1,5h Output statements
    1h Arithmetic operations
    1h Variables
    3,5h Functions
    2h Conditional statements
    1h while loop
    2,5h Sequences: strings
    2h for loop
    1,5h Sequences: tuples
    3h Sequences: lists
    2,5h Data type and conversion
  • Python Level 1
    pakiety kafle 01 PL 04
    7 modules
    4h Variables and strings
    5h Functions
    5h if & while
    6h Sequences part 1
    6h Sequences part 2
    4,5h Casting, sets and dictionaries
    5,5h Exceptions and working with files
  • SQL Level 1
    pakiety EN 08 07
    5 modules
    0,5h Introduction
    2h SELECT clause
    3,5h WHERE clause
    5h Let's count!
    4h Table management
  • SQL Level 2
    pakiety EN 08 08
    5 modules
    5h More about numbers
    6h More about strings
    5,5h Joining tables part 1
    6h Joining tables part 2
    4,5h A few additional techniques
Wykup dostep do platformy wykorzystujac srodki na doskonalenie nauczycieli

Wykup dostęp do platformy wykorzystując środki na doskonalenie nauczycieli

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse quis orci quam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Curabitur viverra vehicula feugiat.

Mauris non molestie libero. Curabitur dictum velit quam, in accumsan libero bibendum vel. Curabitur nulla dolor, tempus eu porta ut, rutrum in tortor. Nunc velit dui, sollicitudin eu faucibus quis, dictum sed tellus. Maecenas semper condimentum eros in ultrices.

The LEE teaching platform provides comprehensive support for schools

Group 433 1 Learning through practice
Learning through practice Minimum theory, maximum practice - create real source code and database commands with your students to solve real problems in each lesson!
Group 434 1 Automatic evaluation of the solutions
Automatic evaluation of the solutions Students' solutions are evaluated immediately and fully automatically. The results are returned in a fraction of a second along with descriptions of possible errors and tips.
Group 436 Tracking students' work
Tracking students' work Access to detailed statistics of students' activity and progress in courses as well as many other functionalities will allow you to easily manage work with a group.
Group 433 1 Gamification
Gamification Learning with LEM is never boring - together with your students, earn ranks, achievements, certificates and take part in competitions and rankings - both: individual and inter-school!

What they say about us


Your platform is amazing. Intuitive, everything explained well. It’s really nice to use and go through the stages.

Patrick City Hall

I can’t help but show my admiration. So far, this platform is working great, technical support responds on time, issues are explained in a factual and, what is extremely important (kudos to the person writing the texts), very funny in some places. For now, I’m delighted. I tested codecombat, Khan Academy – they are all great, but you have nothing to be ashamed of and you are becoming a leader in this segment.

Luke teacher

Platforma daje uczniom doskonałe możliwości rozpoczęcia nauki programowania. Cieszę się, że mogę z niej korzystać.

Jaroslaw teacher


  • Is the LEM account paid?

    Registration and having an account on the platform are completely free of charge. Only access to full versions of individual courses is paid.

  • Are LEM courses only for students?

    No, the courses on the platform are for practical learning of programming and are intended for anyone interested, including adults! The offer for schools includes special courses designed to be used at school in IT lessons, based on the current core curriculum and adapted to the abilities of an average student. Other courses are designed for anyone of any age who would like to learn programming, working with databases or other information technologies from scratch.

  • Are school courses at LNU intended for primary schools?

    School courses are designed to teach programming in accordance with the core curriculum of the subject of computer science. Since the courses are based on professional programming languages, they are addressed to students from grade 7 of primary/secondary schools (depending on educational system in your country) and all grades if high schools. Naturally, the teacher can also make the courses available to younger students who are interested in programming!

  • Can teachers create accounts for their students?

    Accounts on the platform are individual and belong to individual people, so each user – including students – should register an account on their own and not entrust login details to anyone. Teachers have special permissions on the platform that allow them to connect individual student accounts to the school account, which allows them to work together in a group.

  • I bought the course, when will I get access to it?

    If you have purchased a course on our website, you have been sent a message with an activation code. Log in to your account and use the code in the “Activation code” field, which you will find in the “My Account” tab after clicking this option in the menu in the upper right corner of the screen. Using the code will unlock access to the course. If you purchase a course directly on the platform, access is activated immediately after payment. Please note that in most courses you have to complete the tasks sequentially, so you can only open the first lesson at the very beginning. Subsequent lessons will be unlocked along with your progress in solving the preceding lessons.

  • I have zero sense of humor. Can I still use the platform?

    Of course you can try, but it will be hard. We suggest using the free version first.

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