LEM Africa

We support IT education in Africa. We provide 1,000 African schools with free of charge access to a specialized educational platform for learning ICT – The League of Extraordinary Minds. Programming, databases, digital security in practice.

Main goals of the project:

1. providing modern, practical education for students and teachers in the field of programming, databases and other information technologies
2. stimulating the development of the IT industry and other modern technologies in Africa
3. ensuring a real impact on modern changes in curricula in the educational systems of African countries
4. including African schools in international cooperation in the field of IT education.

The League of Extraordinary Minds addresses the most important problems in teaching ICT in Africa:

1. does not require advanced hardware and software – a simple computer with basic Internet access is enough.
2. It does not require teachers to be experts in programming and working with databases.
3. learning by solving problems from the beginner level
4. enables the development of practical digital competences also by teachers
5. The platform provides consultant support for teachers and students
6. educational content is available in English and Fren

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